July 5, 2016
The savory pie is a tasty dish that can be served as an aperitif, side dish or main course. Try our recipe!
- 2 rotoli pasta sfoglia fresca
- 4/5 carciofi freschi
- Succo di 1 limone
- 3 uova
- 50 gr parmigiano reggiano
- 200 ml panna fresca
- Noce moscata
- 100 gr mozzarella (o fontina)
- 150 gr prosciutto cotto
- 30 gr burro
- Sale e pepe qb
- Semi di sesamo
- Tegame antiaderente di Pentole Agnelli
- Tortiera antiaderente di Ballarini
- Per prima cosa procedere con la preparazione dei carciofi:
- Wash and clean the artichokes by removing the outermost leaves; hard, trimming the ends and removing the inner beard.
- Slice the artichoke hearts into thin slices and immerse them in a bowl with water and lemon juice.
- Melt the butter in a pan and pour the drained artichokes;
- Add a ladleful of hot water, salt and pepper and cook for 10/12 minutes until cooked. the artichokes will be tender.
Now prepare the filling:
- In a bowl, beat the eggs with the Parmesan, the cream, a pinch of nutmeg,
- Add the mozzarella or fontina and finally the artichokes
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Now line a non-stick cake tin with parchment paper and the first roll of puff pastry.
- Cover the bottom with the slices of cooked ham,
- And with the well-mixed mixture, fill the pan
- Cover everything with the second roll of puff pastry and fold the edge over itself to seal it well.
- Prick the surface and brush with a little whitening paint. of egg and decorated with sesame seeds.
- Bake at 180° static oven for 50 minutes (if you see that the surface tends to darken too much, lower the oven temperature).
- Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes.
Enjoy your meal!